(Goals, objectives and completed tasks)

These goals are those on the Mission Community Mission Action Plan.


Encouraging & incorporating Global Majority background congregation members

  • 1 on reading rota
  • 1 acting as Eucharistic Assistant
  • 1 is now school governor
  • 1 helping with technology on Sunday morning.

Offering and developing All-Age Services

  • a new slot has been put in the church diary to make clear whether each service is All Age, Parade, or Sunday School.


Building up the Sunday School / Children's Work and leaders

  • we are looking to organise joint training for Sunday School leaders across the Mission Community.

Supporting people into other roles / ministries in the church

  • 3 new people on the readers rota
  • 2 new people have learnt to do technology on a Sunday morning
  • new crockery has been bought for servers.
  • We have 2 new Eucharistic Assistants.

Admission to Communion

  • a request for people to sign up has been made (1 person interested so far)

Confirmation Classes

  • 6 people have attended Confirmation Classes from St. Paul's on Zoom. 3 were confirmed.

Servers' Training

Seasonal / Weekly discipleship Bible study groups

Visiting Care Homes

  • Regular visits from Nick and Megan continue.
  • use of IT/youtube to enrich services in care homes.

End of Life Care for the dying


Support for local community groups

  • More robust and financially viable hiring policy implemented
  • New weekly meeting for Roma Church
  • Guides continues.
  • HAF holiday club to run four days a week for four weeks over Summer Holiday

Monthly / Weekly Drop in for Community

  1. Coffee Morning
    • Rotas have been set up.
    • Decision made to continue.
  2. Pop In
  3. Stitch & Share

School Governance & Collective Worship

  • 1 new school governor
  • 1 new person now conducts school assemblies
  • use of IT/youtube to resource assemblies.

Resourcing the church building to serve the community

  • The PCC has agreed to move money from the Organ Fund to the Fabric Fund.
  • Nick has had a conversation with Early Years about a possible partnership.
  • A reorder being considered to allow more community use.
    1. It seems that the space behind the church becomes a real asset if children use the building in any way: an outdoor play area.
    2. We could be looking a an arrangement where the space in the nave is redistributed:
      • the W. third to be exclusive use for children (and cleaned by them)
      • the middle third to be dual purpose
      • the E. third to have pews removed and available, under church's control for Worship and Community Activity.
      • new kitchens and toilets would be required, serving different parts of the building
    3. Another option is to create lots of rooms, that can be used in different ways. BUT this would require the Vicar and PCC to be responsible for managing the building.

Moving Forward with Eco-Church

  • St. Paul's has acheived the Bronze Award.
  • Energy Footprint Tool 2022 has been completed.
  • St. Paul's has committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 10% each year from the 2022 base.
  • Saddleworth Heating contacted about installing TRVs for the Vestry radiators.
  • Consider Land; Prayer & Worship; Buildings; Prayer & Teaching, Lifestyle at PCC Meetings.
  • Install Bug hotels (Jane)
  • Make plan for the Church Grounds - especially the back.

Welcoming members of the Community

  • Pop In, Stitch & Share, Coffee Mornings continue.

We believe:

  • that a church should be a place where the generous, forgiving love of God in Christ is made real in practical ways.
  • that a church should be a community that welcomes all people whatever their age, situation, or background.
  • that a church should dedicate itself to the worship of Almighty God, using all the richness and variety of resources that God has given us.
  • that we are not there yet - but by the grace of God, this is what we hope to become.
  • that a church should work, alone and with others, for good in its community, and in the world: for justice, for a better quality of life, for stronger communities.
  • that a church is not just a virtual community, but a real, physical community. We hope that this website will enrich our life as a church, and offer you ways to take part in it - or just provide you with resources to help you deepen your faith.