Agenda for PCC Meeting
7:00 pm Thursday 30 January 2024
(on Zoom)

Welcome and Prayers


Minutes of the last meeting

Correct record?

Matters Arising,


Vicar's Update

  • Review of Christmas services; experience Christmas; visit by Bishop David.

"This Time Tomorrow" (Darren)

Parish Fees

We need to formally adopt the 2025 Parish Fees

Grace Project Report

Link to summary and report about community action and church growth

Any comments, or applications in our situation?

(Virtual) Churchwarden's Update

Fabric Priorities

We need to choose priorities for FABRIC PROJECTS:

  1. Infestation (current priority)
    1. quote for drain survey accepted - £300 + v.a.t.
    2. drain survey took place on 10 December
    3. Quotes required for remedial work as per the survey
  2. Roofer (scaffolding jobs wait until spring)
    1. stopping water ingress through the hole above the Organ Champber Arch
    2. and into Flower Cupboard.
    3. clearing low-level gutters
    4. sorting downspout-leak above main entrance
    5. putting pointing back above flashing on S.~side roof.
    6. perhaps doing any work arising from rat infestation.
  3. Joiner to fix wobbly front pew, and external kitchen door - get a price for a joiner < £200.
  4. Electrical Survey for QI report:
    1. requested from Jason
    2. waiting for Jason to come.
  5. New Carpet in Community Room - ask for a quotation for a lino-equivalent floor.
  6. New Carpet in Church? Or no carpet in church?
    1. the S. side is concrete under the carpet. Screed and Concrete are disintegrating.
    2. ask architect for advice at the QI.
  7. Wall-mounted Televisions (potentially with a separate grant!)
    1. Audioworks have quoted
    2. Do we accept the quote? quote details or get another?
  8. Landscape the flower bed at the bottom of paved area.


  • Safeguarding (to include Parish Safeguarding Action Plan)
  • Community Room
  • Finance
  • Health & Safety
  • Mission Community (to include: (a) Sunday School Leader Training; (b) Transition Group)
  • Social Committee


We need to set/note the following dates:

  • Date of deadline for reports - short please!
  • Date of next meeting .
  • Date of APCM

Any Other Business