The Parish of St. Paul, Oldham
Other Duties
The Parish of St. Paul, Oldham
Offertory Procession
- During the Peace, make your way to the back of church, and take the bread and the wine.
- Carry it up in a steady dignified manner.
- It will be received at the altar rail by the President, the Crucifer, or the Eucharistic Assistant.
- Bow or nod to the president, when they bow or nod to you.
- Return to your seat.
The Parish of St. Paul, Oldham
Collection Plate
During the Offertory Hymn:
- Offer the plate round to each person on your side of the church.
- Once the Collection is finished, walk up the centre aisle next to each other, where the Collection will be blessed by the person conducting the service.
- When the person conducting the service bows to you, return the bow, and retun to your seat.
The Parish of St. Paul, Oldham
Step Assistant
- Go to the step after the eucharistic assistant has received Holy Communion
- Stand opposite each other, either end of the Chancel steps
- Support anyone who needs help getting up the steps, one hand supporting the other's, and the other on their elbow.
- Allow the children and young people to be independent, or be helped by other family members.