Other Duties

Offertory Procession

  1. During the Peace, make your way to the back of church, and take the bread and the wine.
  2. Carry it up in a steady dignified manner.
  3. It will be received at the altar rail by the President, the Crucifer, or the Eucharistic Assistant.
  4. Bow or nod to the president, when they bow or nod to you.
  5. Return to your seat.

Collection Plate

During the Offertory Hymn:

  1. Offer the plate round to each person on your side of the church.
  2. Once the Collection is finished, walk up the centre aisle next to each other, where the Collection will be blessed by the person conducting the service.
  3. When the person conducting the service bows to you, return the bow, and retun to your seat.

Step Assistant

  1. Go to the step after the eucharistic assistant has received Holy Communion
  2. Stand opposite each other, either end of the Chancel steps
  3. Support anyone who needs help getting up the steps, one hand supporting the other's, and the other on their elbow.
  4. Allow the children and young people to be independent, or be helped by other family members.